Monday, February 4, 2008

Hair Care

Hair Fall is so common now a days.
Many causes are there for this:
1. Tension, Fear, Anxiety
2. Vitamin deficiency

We have to take zinc and protein to make hair stronger and healthy.
Recommended diet:
1. Almonds
2. Fish / Eggs (for zinc)
3. Curd

Homeopathy has very good remedies for this.
We have different remedy for different causes of hair fall
a. Baryta carbonica -- hair fall in young people
b. Phosphoricum Acidum -- hair fall due to tension and anxiety
c. Lycopodium

It's better to consult homeopathy doctor once.

Hair is composed almost entirely of a protein called keratin, which is why it is important to take enough protein in your diet to prevent hair damage. The pigment eumelanin is what gives black colour to hair, whereas pigment pheomelanin gives it yellow (blonde) or red colour.
All hair follicles are formed while the baby is in the uterus in its embryo stage. No new follicle is produced after birth. Each follicle is capable of producing 20-30 hairs, in a lifetime, with each hair having a life cycle of 3-5 years.

Hair grows at the rate of half an inch per month. It grows fastest in summers and slowest in winters, and grows best between the ages of 15 to 30. The total length to which hair can grow is genetically determined and therefore everyone cannot grow hair to the same length.Hair disorders are those, which are characterised by hair loss well in excess of the normal 50-100 hair strands per day. In certain cases even though the hair loss is within normal limits, for various reasons the body stops growing new hair, leading to a gradual state of baldness.

Types of hair disorders

The most common hair disorders are: -

Male Pattern Baldness

Also known as Androgenetic Alopecia, it is the most common cause of baldness seen in men characterized by typical pattern of receding hairline and hair thinning on the crown. It is the cause for hair loss in about 90% of the men of which 35% men affected are in the 30's. This percentage increases with age.

How to identify Male Pattern Baldness?

  • Excessive loss of hair
  • Hairline recedes from the front
  • Bald patch on the top of the scalp
  • No hair loss from the sides.

    How does it happen?

    Hormonal-Men have the male hormone- Testosterone that is responsible for hair growth all the body even on the scalp. But when this hormone is converted into DHT it causes hair loss on the scalp especially from the top and the front
    Genetic 80% of balding men have a balding father

    Other factors affecting hair loss:

    Poor circulation: A study of young men diagnosed with male pattern baldness showed that the blood flow to their scalps was on average 2.6 times lower than in a control group. Follicles that are constantly deprived of blood, and therefore nutrients, cannot produce hair properly.

    Smoking: Nicotine (tobacco) sensitizes hair follicles to the effects of hormones leading to increased hair loss.
    Mental stress: there is increased hair loss when an individual is highly stressed (exact cause not known)

    Dandruff: Is inflamed flaky skin that hinders proper circulation and nutrition to the hair thereby causing increased hair loss

    Nutrition: Hair loss can be caused either due to inadequate diet or poor absorption of nutrients from the food.

    Female Pattern Baldness (Alopecia Diffuse)

    Alopecia Areata

    Other types of Hairloss

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