Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Enrich your love life with Yoga Asanas

The healing power of Yoga is so strong that people who are physiologically weak and to some extent or even fully impotent may regain their potency as their physical health is revived through Yoga. Many folks admit that their marital relationship is improving after taking up yoga.

1) Lotus Posture (Padmasana): Padmasana is an excellent posture for all meditative practice and is consider as one of the best posture for concentration. It stimulates the pelvis, spine, abdomen, and bladder and stretches the ankles and knees and also strengthens the semen and spermatozoa. In women it corrects menstrual disorder and improves chances of conception. Technique Spread a blanket or carpet on the floor and sit down with both your legs spread straight in front of your body while keeping your spine erect. Slowly and carefully, take hold of your right foot and place it on top of your opposite thigh, sole facing upwards and your heel close to your abdomen. When this feels comfortable, bend the other leg and place your foot on top of your opposite thigh. Ideally, both knees should touch the ground in the final position. Your head and spine should be held erect and the shoulders and arms should be relaxed.

Also make sure both your thighs and knees are pressed against the floor. Finally, keep your elbows slightly bent and place the wrists of both hands on the respective knees, palms facing upwards. Now close your eyes, relax your entire body and breathe deeply through your nose. Within 10 to 12 days` practice, one can maintain this asana for 10 minutes.
2) Sarvangasana is known as the queen of asanas which works out to be one of the best posture to energize all the sex glands and thereby improves sexual activity in both males and females.

By doing this asana correctly, you can be cured of premature ejaculation. It also helps in maintaining erection of penis in males during coitus for a considerable length of time. Sarvangasana possesses medicinal value for curing impotence, frigidity, lack of sexual power and various other defects of sexual organs.

Technique Lie down flat on the floor, on your back, palms by your side, facing down and then slowly lift your legs off the ground, then your thighs and lastly, your hips. Support the whole body- back, hips, thighs and legs - on your elbows, hands pressing against the sides of the back for support. Try to keep it as vertical as possible.

Sarvangasana is a shoulder stand, so your body should be resting on your shoulders and not on your back. Hold this position for as long as possible, while keeping your body steady without shaking or jerking the legs. Remember to exhale while lifting your body up, but once your body is up, you can breathe normally.

There is no need to hold your breath. Gradually bring down your whole body and return to the original supine position. This posture must be repeated for at least 3 minutes and after some days increase the time to 5 to 6 minutes.
3) Halsana is one of the best asanas to sublimate sexual energies as its daily practice makes men and women's genetic parts stronger and active. Female problems during menstruation and menopause and some sexual disorders can be remedied by Halsana.

It also invigorates and nourishes all the sexual glands and thereby improves an individual's sexual potential to a considerable extent. It also corrects impotence, frigidity and nightfall.

Technique Lie flat on the carpet with your hands straight by the side of your thighs, palm resting on the ground. Slowly raise your legs together without bending at knees by pressing your hand. Without bending at the knees, raise your hips higher and bring your legs over your head and backwards till your toes touch the ground.

Keep your knees straight and legs together in a straight line. You need to remain in this pose for a few seconds, and return to your original position. Aged persons and those suffering from back pain and high blood pressure should not do this asana.
4) Dhanurasana is a very effective back strengthening exercise and also brings a general improvement in all sexual aspects. It makes the semen thick, gives strength to the penis and vagina and tones the vas-deference tubes.

Dhanurasana keeps sexual organs in a good condition and its regular practice improves chances of conception. Dhanurasana is helpful in increasing the time of astringency (time of sex, when you are finally ready for intercourse after foreplay).

Technique Lie down your abdomen with your forehead touching the ground. With an exhalation, bend your knees and lift your chest using your arms. Reach back with your arms one at a time and grab the outside of your ankles so that your palms are facing inward towards each other.

You need to remain in this position for ten seconds or a maximum of one minute. It is necessary that you exhale completely while you lie flat on the ground. Then inhale slowly and catch hold of your legs and raise yourself to form the bow, hold your breath while you are in this pose. Exhale slowly as you return to the flat-on-the-stomach pose.

5) Paschimottanasana is very useful for removing all sexual defects, such as nightfall, premature ejaculation, impotence, semen-atrophy, menstruation, congestion of vagina and sexual weakness.

Regular practice of Paschimottanasana tones up the sex centers in the spine and pelvic organs as well as stimulating the sensory nerves which greatly improves sexual performance of both men and women.

Technique Lie flat on your back on the carpet with hands remaining alongside your body and make sure that your knees are also flat and pressed to the ground. Now, slowly lift yourself to a sitting position and bend forward and clasp the big toe of each foot with your index and middle finger.

Thereafter, bring down your head so that it touches the knees keeping in mind that you do not raise your knees to the ground. Remain in this pose for about 5 seconds and then gradually release your grip on your toes and return to the original position. This needs to be repeated 5 to 6 times a day for a satisfactory result.
6) Consistent practice of Mayurasana activates the sex glands, strengthens the semen and spermatozoa and corrects menstrual disorders in women. After few months of practice one can achieve a total orgasm at the time of intercourse.

It is also helpful in toning up the sex center in the spine and helps to cure congestion of one's vagina.

Technique Kneel down on the carpet and rest your palms on it facing downwards. Keep your hands firm and bring down your abdomen so that it presses against the elbows.

Stretch your legs back and now raise them off the ground balancing at your abdomen on the support formed by the elbows. Remain in this posture for 25 to 28 seconds and return to the original position. This asana is not so easy and learning to balance will take at least three months.

7) Bhadrasana improves sexual performance considerably and its regular practice tones up nerves, muscles and circulatory system of the perineum and the genital organs in both men and women.

Performing Bhadrasana properly, could help in curing premature ejaculation and maintaining erection of penis in males during coitus for a considerable length of time. It also strengthens the circulatory and neuromuscular system of female euro-genital organs and improves chances of conception.

Technique Sit with both your legs fully stretched out and then fold both legs simultaneously ensuring that the soles of your feet touch each other all along. Hold the feet with both hands and draw them nearer to your body trying to touch the genitals with your heels. Press both knees so that they touch the floor.

Keep the upper part of the body and neck erect. Keep both hands on respective knees. With your hands you may swing your legs up and down as many times as you feel comfortable.

Remain in this posture for 5 to 10 minutes and remember this posture can be repeated 4 to 5 times to get good results.

8) Mudrasana removes all kinds of intestinal and spleen disorders, corrects menstrual disorders in women and is also helpful in increasing the time of astringency.

It tones up the sex center in the spine and pelvic organs, as well as stimulating the sensory nerves and is qualitative in anomalies of the urinary secretion and spermatic perversions.

Technique Sit in Padmasana posture with your spine erect and then slowly bend forward until your forehead touches the ground. Exhale as you go down and take your hands behind your back and catch hold of the right wrist by the left hand. Return to the original erect pose inhaling as you go up. Remain in the posture for 10 to 15 seconds.

9) Bhujangasana is one of the best asana for all spinal and back-ache problems and it works as a powerful antidote against wet-dreams and leucorrhoea. This posture is very effective for weakness of semen and it also helps in the development of the chest and firms the bust.

Consistent practice of Bhujangasana strengthens the uterus, testes, urethra, semen and genital organs. This posture is very qualitative in spermaturia, nightfall, semen –atrophy and premature ejaculation (quick fall).

Technique Bhujangasana is a backward bending asana. In the starting position, lie on your belly, while your head rests on your lower arms. Raise your forehead, look upwards and stretch your hands backwards. Let your weight rest on your chest. The head falls a little backwards towards your back and the backward movement proceeds from the neck and the chin.

Move your belly further backward as if someone is pulling your arms. The weight is more and more shifted towards your belly and your lower back does the real work. If you can't raise your chest any further, put your hands and arms next to your chest on the mat without losing the bend.

Stretch your arms so that they stand perpendicular on the floor and at the same time turn your arms a little inward. Relax your lower back and bear your weight with your arms. Move your chest further upwards with every breathing out.

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